How to give emotional support to someone?

Ask WhatandHow
4 min readDec 7, 2021

Human Beings are blessed with many different kinds of emotions. They can feel affection, love, joy, happiness, grief, care, anger, fear, etc., and these emotions are our powerhouse if we use them positively. The nature of humans is that they depend on others for emotional support. But at certain times, we get so broken and tensed that we need support in a relationship to make it keep going.

Anil Sinha said:

“Accepting the differences with others and never insisting on what you need or want from others is what emotional support involves. You should not set any criteria that are needed before you are even satisfied.”

The support can be emotional, mental, physical, or financial, and we need the support of our loved ones. Sometimes our loved ones need a shoulder to put their head on it, and they might need a person to lend them their ear. A person who will listen to them attentively without judging their emotions.

What is emotional support?

Giving encouragement, reassurance, and consolation to a person feeling down or tense means that you are giving emotional support to someone. Emotional support from parents to kids, wife to husband, friends to each other means a lot to every person.

Ways to be emotionally supportive:

If you want to give emotional support to someone or wonder how you can give this emotional support to your loved one? Then you are at the right place. I am sharing some amazing tips that you can follow, and you can try when you want to give emotional support to someone.

1. Notice their behavior:

If you want to give someone emotional support, you should always check on them. You should keep observing their behaviors because when someone is sad or feeling down, their behavior changes like they will not do the usual daily basis work or they will stop talking, they will become extra sensitive. They will start behaving strangely with you. All these are the signs of a person who is going through a bad emotional condition, and you need to tell them that you are with them and you can hear them out.

2. Start a conversation:

If you want to give emotional support, you need to make them feel that you are with them and can rely on you. You need to ask the little questions like Are you alright? Did something wrong happen? Why are you so low today? And try saying things like ; they can share with you, and they should calm down and relax their heart.

3. Lend them an attentive ear:

You need to communicate with your partner and try to make them trust themselves. You should tell them that you believe them and it is okay if they feel a certain way, and you need to assure them it will be okay, and they are the most amazing person in your life. You should tell them that they can open their heart before you, and you can listen to them actively, and you will never leave them regardless of any circumstances if you want to give them emotional support.

4. Don’t give an exhausted gesture:

When someone is telling you their heartbreaking story and requires emotional support, you should listen to them attentively without giving any exhausted gesture. Try to maintain a good posture and eye contact with them. Make sure you do not use your phone when talking to you because this will make them feel that you are not interested, and it will break their hearts.

6. Show some physical support:

When your partner or loved one is feeling low and needs emotional support, you should show them some physical support. It can be a kiss on the forehead to assure them that it will be okay, and it can be a hug to make them feel your care and love for them. You can also hold their hands tightly, making them believe that they are not alone and you are with them. Physical gestures and support are also as significant as giving them emotional support.

7. Never compare their situation with yours:

Even your intentions are good, but you should never compare their sadness and condition with yours or others. You should never tell them that their situation is not worse than others. This will hurt them as they are already not in the right state of mind.

  • I hope these ways and tips will make you able to give emotional support to someone; I know that everyone can’t forget their problems completely, but you can help them feel relaxed, and you can give them emotional support.
  • I have also written many amazing articles on personal development. You can see them here at AksWhatandHow.



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